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Monthly Workshops

The LOT monthly meetings are held at Hughes STEM High School on the last Tuesday of each month of September - May.  At each meeting, students will have the opportunity to meet business men and women mentors who will speak to them about their education and career journey.  Sponsored by community businesses, students will have a group discussion about topics that surround education, business and community. 

September 29, 2015 - Meet Your Mentor

Want to know more about how to get involved with LOT and what activities are available to you?  An open fourm will be provided for mentors and students to discuss their future, effective decision making and the value of education.  Our mentors are ready to tell you about their career journey and how they can help you achieve your education and career dreams.  More Information

September 30, 2015 - LOT Open House

This is your opportunity to become a member of the Cincinnati Chapter of the NBMBAA LOT mentoring program.  Parents, students, teachers and mentors can obtain information about the program and meet the 2015-2016 Student Executive Board.  More Information

Future Meetings:


October 27, 2015

November 24, 2015

December 15, 2015

January 26, 2016

February 23, 2016

March 22, 2016

April - May 2015 - Annual Case Competition Preparation

Learning and developing project management skills students will prepare for our Annual Case Competition.  Within two months, using different communication mediums, LOT students will receive, disseminate and create information that will be presented to a panel of expert judges.  As a national competition, the Cincinnati Chapter will compete with students from all over the U.S. and London for more than $10,000 in scholarships.  More Information


NBMBAA - Cincinnati Chapter

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© 2015 by NBMBAA LOT with




Success Bootcamp!

Orlando, FL

September 22nd - 27th!


Meet Your Mentor!

September 29, 2015


Chapter Open House!

September 30, 2015


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